28 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
University of Ottawa
EST timezone

Running your own network using BGP, OSPF and IS-IS on the BSDs

31 May 2024, 14:45
Desmarais 1110 (University of Ottawa)

Desmarais 1110

University of Ottawa

Lecture 50 min SysAdmin Talks: Room 1110 - Friday


Massimiliano Stucchi (AS58280.net)


Running a network with its own autonomous system, and speaking BGP can be a daunting task. There is also the misconception that it requires expensive hardware from big vendors. The BSDs are nowadays capable of providing enough routing capabilities to be cost-effective, and there are many tools to manage them and their routing configurations.

In this talk I will showcase why one would need to embark in the journey of running an independent network, what could be used, and some tricks I have learned while managing my own autonomous system number, and running some IXPs leveraging the BSDs.

I will be explaining how to begin, what hardware is better than other, and I will be providing real life examples on how networks are run, considering a series of aspects, including basic configuration, automated filter updating, flow collection and management, monitoring, and more.

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