28 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
University of Ottawa
EST timezone

Encouraging and enabling SMEs (small to medium enterprises) to contribute to BSD development

1 Jun 2024, 13:30
Desmarais 1160 (University of Ottawa)

Desmarais 1160

University of Ottawa

Lecture 50 min Experiences Talks: Room 1160 - Friday


Tom Smyth


  • Making use of the force multiplier of many hands make light work.
  • Tom Smyth talks about his experience using BSD as a small business owner.
  • Tom further explores the positive experience of supporting developers to achieve discrete real improvements in OpenBSD and related projects.
  • How small business can contribute to and shape BSD development.
  • Ideas about aggregating the resources of multiple small businesses to achieve an outcome that each small business individually could not afford - SMEs can reap 100% of the benefit by just committing a fraction of the cost.

Can many hands and many pockets contribute to sustainable code development without burdening the projects that will have to maintain the code on an ongoing basis?

This talk is an AMA format and propose a 15-20 minute talk and 30 minute Q & A session afterwards.

Primary author

Presentation materials