28 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
University of Ottawa
EST timezone

A Journey Into BSD and Standards: BSD and POSIX

1 Jun 2024, 10:00
Desmarais 1160 (University of Ottawa)

Desmarais 1160

University of Ottawa

Lecture 50 min Experiences Talks: Room 1160 - Friday


Katie McMillan (Government of Canada)


Standards development and application at the Operating System (OS) level are in a complex and evolving state. This talk will not only explore what it means to be POSIX compliant, but will focus on the question: What is the status of POSIX compliance within the BSD sphere in 2024? What are the drivers for POSIX compliance today?
This talk will explore what POSIX compliance means and whether BSD is officially POSIX compliant. Feedback from the community will be appreciated, and a discussion of the community's concepts of the value of POSIX will be sought.

Primary author

Katie McMillan (Government of Canada)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.