28 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
University of Ottawa
EST timezone

NetBSD on RISC-V - It Finally Runs NetBSD

31 May 2024, 16:00
Desmarais 1160 (University of Ottawa)

Desmarais 1160

University of Ottawa

Lecture 50 min Development Talks: Room 1160 - Friday


Dylan Eskew (Western Washington University)Dr Phil Nelson (Western Washington University)


The RISC-V port in NetBSD has been years in the making with the most recent efforts bringing success to the project. To enable the successful port, NetBSD needed to gain some supported technologies and undergo some structural changes to facilitate the requirements and recommendations accompanying the RISC-V platform. As the majority porting efforts targeted a virtual platform, physical hardware support has also been confirmed, though not without its own difficulties in addition to the software-side of the port. This document aims to recount the progress of the RISC-V port in NetBSD, lay down the foundational knowledge needed to understand the port structure in NetBSD, and articulate the considerations and difficulties that might be encountered in expanding the RISC-V hardware support in NetBSD.

Primary authors

Dylan Eskew (Western Washington University) Dr Phil Nelson (Western Washington University)

Presentation materials

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